Years passed by so fast and in blink of an eye my little boy grows so fast! My boy is the greatest gift from God and I thank God for giving a little healthy boy to us. I and his…
After 1 day of inaccessible on Topblogs Philippines site, the site is finally fixed. Great job Topblogs and you guys are able to fix the issue in a short time. My code in my sidebar is back and didn’t have…
Malware on Is it real or they are under attack?
It is a pleasant surprise this morning when I was not able to get access to my site and have the above warning. Topblogs Philippines is one of the biggest blog directory out there and I really don’t think that…
Japan Tour Here I Come
Just got my passport back today and my Japan Visa got granted. I am really excited for our upcoming tour to Japan and it’s like a dream comes true. Ever since when I was still a little child, I have…
Quick review on “The Amazing Spider-Man 2”
(Copyright of the image belongs to the rightful owner)Just watched Amazing Spider-Man 2 a while ago, it has a good storyline but I still feels like the movie is still lack of something. Most of the story is about what…
Tour again
Once again I had a tour with one of the company that I’m handling, it’s quite boring though because I’ve been here couple of times or shall I say yearly, this is one of the favorite place that most of…

Dante Coffee afternoon snack
After orientation,I need to give myself a break and have a snack at Dante Coffee. The food is nice and the thing that I like here is the ambiance and the relaxing music.
Foreigner that Loves Philippines
Recently I came across the social media about a foreigner who have traveled almost all the cool places in Philippines. I went to his facebook page and there are lots of my “Kababayan” have liked and commented on his page. I…
How to create your own windows system trash cleaner
There are a lot of people were trying to find suitable software in able to clean up garbage files in their computer and that including me. There are a lot of free cleaning software out there which could be downloaded but…
How to fix “unidentified network” & “no internet” problem in Windows 7
This past few days I had this problem when I tried to connect to the WIFI network on one of our client. Last week I have successfully connected on their network, but yesterday I was having problem connecting. After searching…